Saturday, January 12, 2013

Kate's Week With the Flu

Kate's had a rough week, and because of it, so have we.  She had a cough on Monday - no big deal, right?  But she woke up crying and without her signature smile on Tuesday.  Her temperature was about 103.  A trip to the doctor confirmed that she has the flu.

Kelley missed work Tuesday and Wednesday to take care of her, and Kelley's mom came up Thursday and Friday so Kelley could get back to work. What's wrong with this picture?  I'm missing.  Kelley and her mom got flu shots this year.  I did not.  On purpose.  I got them for years, but the last two times I got the flu shot, I was sick by the next morning with FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS.  I know all the "research" says that the flu shot CANNOT GIVE YOU THE FLU, but if you read the small print when you DO get a flu shot, it says that you can experience "flu-like symptoms" and then it goes on to essentially DESCRIBE THEM AS THE FLU!  If I had to feel that bad, I'd rather it be from accidentally catching the flu, not on purpose!  Nevertheless, I went to Ingles this week and got a flu shot, and a very expensive prescription for Tamiflu.  Kate's doctor told me to go ahead and start taking it since I've been exposed to the virus.  As for the flu shot, it won't start offering any protection for about two weeks, so it's no help with Kate's sickness.

If you're scared of getting a flu shot because of the PAIN, stop being a baby and go get it.  Mine was free, but even if you have to pay the full price, it's just $30 or so.  From now on, even if the shot makes me a little sick, it's better than not being able to touch your wife/kids for a week.  Also, it didn't hurt at all, unless you call a very tiny prick pain.  The needle is about as thick as a strand of hair.  I've been giving myself shots for years every week with a 20 gauge, 1-inch needle.  In comparison, the flu shot needle was non-existent.  My upper arm was a little sore for a day, but nothing major.  And, best of all, IT DIDN'T HAVE ANY EFFECT ON ME! NO "FLU-LIKE" SYMPTOMS!

Kate, by the way, DID get a flu shot this year.  Lot of help that did.  Anyway, without the protection of the shot, I've had to keep my distance from my daughter all week.  It hasn't been fun for any of us.  Kate must think I've abandoned her.  I've tried to keep her from even seeing me, but it's not always possible.  Sadly, all I can do is wave and talk to her from a distance before I got outside, to the gym, or to our bedroom.  She cries and reaches for me while calling out, "Daddies!  Daddies!"

About that "Daddies" thing: For the past two weeks, that's been her name for me.  I used to be "Dada," then "Daddy," and now, "Daddies."  Here's why: Kate has a natural affection for phones, computers, etc.  She goes for my laptop and/or mouse every time she gets a chance, even though she's served plenty of rounds in timeout over it.  Kelley is constantly saying to her, "That's Daddy's."  So, she's confused and now thinks my name is "Daddies," not "Daddy."

I hate it.  It'll pass quickly, I hope.

Kate's doctor told us that I can expect to get the flu, and that even with the shot, Kelley might.  Thankfully, we've both avoided it.  So far.  Kate's fever finally broke sometime Thursday, and although it came back a few times, this is Saturday and she's getting back to her normal self.  But she's still got a runny nose and cough, and that's the way the flu spreads the easiest.  She could be contagious for a few more days, so I've got more alone time until then.  Kelley SENT ME A TEXT today that said, "I feel like I haven't seen you in a week!"  Sad, huh?