Friday, June 29, 2012

Fitness and Body Types: Understanding Fitness Part D

God enjoys diversity, as seen in nature with all the varieties of plants, flowers, and trees.  He also made many different body types, and all are fearfully and wonderfully made.  God did not give one body type as the model for all people.  He created human bodies in a variety of shapes and sizes, and each one has specific strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, and limitations.
While God loves and accepts each body shape and size, Hollywood does not.  Hollywood tries to tell the world which body types are beautiful and acceptable, at the exclusion of every other body type.  For instance, women models are generally abnormally tall and thin, with eating habits that are detrimental to their own health as well as the health of women around the world who aspire to be like them.  (This unhealthy thinness is not limited to female models.) 
God decides the physical attributes of every person.  An individual can alter his God-given appearance to some degree with diet and fitness, but not enough to change his basic structure.  Therefore, instead of trying to fit a mold he was not created to fit and showing God ungratefulness, he should give Him praise and thanks and be a good steward of his body.  Nutritionalist and personal trainer Ron Kardashian says,
Nowhere in the Bible does He say that a human being is born to be anorexic.  On the contrary, God says that He made you to be His son or daughter, uniquely created with wonderful gifting and potential.  While He desires for your body to be the temple in which He dwells, He does not describe the perfect shape, height, or weight that He prefers.  Instead, God places emphasis on the inner beauty of your person, not on the outward physique that will one day perish.  God considers the good behavior that proceeds from integrity of character more important than a “Hollywood-type” figure…According to Scripture, what is most precious to God?  …His Word does not teach that a certain physique makes you more or less delightful to Him.

Human somatotypes, or body types, have three distinct characteristics: endomorphy (endomorph or endo), ectomorphy (ectomorph or ecto), and mesomorphy (mesomorph or meso).  Some people fall into one of these distinct categories, but most people have a blend of characteristics from two of the categories.  These characteristics determine how each person’s body will look, react to exercise and gain or lose weight. Figure 2.1 gives representations of the three body types, while figure 2.2 gives representations of blended body types. 

Figure 2.1: The Three Somatotypes.

Figure 2.2: Somatotype Combinations.

The mesomorph (or meso) body type is best described as muscular.  Characteristic mesos have the ability to increase muscle size relatively quick and easy.  They have well-developed, rectangular shapes with thick bones, defined chests, and shoulders that are larger and broader than their waistlines.  Their hips are about the same width as their shoulders, and they have toned buttocks and legs.  Sylvester Stallone and Demi Moore are good examples of mesos.
            Mesos are well-suited for athletics and are physically capable of high levels of activity.  They excel in activities that require strength and short bursts of energy.  Conversely, endurance activities are not their forte and they tend to avoid the cardio section of the gym.  This avoidance is representative of playing to natural strengths.
Mesos tend to store fat evenly over their bodies and have a high metabolism because of their muscularity and physical activity.  Of all the three body types, mesos have the greatest ability to stay fit.  Unfortunately, as mesos age or become less active, they can easily become overweight unless they also reduce their diet.  Cardiovascular disease is a common threat for overweight mesos.
            The endomorph (or endo) body type is best described as round for males and curvy for females.  Characteristic endos have the capacity for high fat storage and a greatest propensity for obesity.  The majority of their body weight is centered in the middle, around the hips for females, and in the abdomen for men.  Structurally, they have large bones, round faces, large hips and thighs, and shorter arms and legs, which result in a stocky appearance. 
            Because abdominal fat carries a greater risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems, male endos must be very diligent to control their weight.  Unfortunately, endos have a harder time controlling their weight, but it is possible, as Robin Williams has shown.  They are naturally strong and can gain muscle easily with weight training.  Every ounce of added muscle constantly burns calories, so adding muscle increases metabolism and can make controlling body fat much easier.  
Female endos have been among the most celebrated women of the last century.  Again, the word that best describes endo is curvy, which is an ideal trait for females.  Marilyn Monroe is the classic endo example. More recent examples are Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, and Cindy Crawford.
The ectomorph (or ecto) body type is best described as slim.  Characteristic ectos have trouble gaining weight: think fashion model.  They have a linear shape with narrow hips and longer limbs.  Tom Hanks and Courtney Cox are famous ectos.
Ectos are well-suited for endurance activities, not physical contact.  Like mesos, they have a tendency to stick to what they do best, bypassing the free weights for the cardio equipment.  They have longer, thinner muscles, but they can add strength if they give the effort.
Ectos have low body fat, one of the best health qualities possible, because of their faster metabolism and tendency for endurance activities.  But, a healthy outward appearance is not always an indication of inner health.  Ectos who have a poor diet are at a greater risk of high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity, even though an obese ecto may not look obese.
As previously stated, most people have a blend of characteristics from two of these three body types.  Expectations for physical appearance and fitness results must be matched to the limitations of a person’s body type.  Joseph Christiana stresses that getting results from any exercise
starts with knowing your body type.  Each body type requires a different exercise approach or methodology for reading its genetic potential.  Some types gain weight very easily; other types would have to eat all day to gain weight.  Some require very little effort to get great results, while others have to work zealously to see fewer results.  There are body types who carry their unwanted weight in the upper body area, and others who gain weight in the hips and thighs.  Considering your particular body type will help you choose the exercise program most effective for your needs.

A football team is an easy reference point for the three body types and for realistic expectations.  Team members will exhibit the normal strengths, weaknesses, and necessities of each body type.  Ectos will never match the strength of endos or mesos, and will never have the ability to be a lineman, a linebacker, or a fullback.  Endos will never match the agility or speed of ectos or mesos, and will never have the ability to play receiver, running back, or defensive back.  Mesos are too small to play on the line, and generally lack the height and agility to be good receivers.  No running back wants to run behind a line of ectos.  No lineman wants to open holes for endo running backs or have their quarterback throwing to endo receivers.  All three types are needed, and each depends on the others for success. 
Each individual must accept that his body types prohibit him from developing certain body shapes.  If a Cocker Spaniel tries to look like a Labrador Retriever, it will spend its life hopelessly and miserably chasing an impossible dream.  For each different body type, there is a level of fitness and an ideal size and shape that can be achieved.  But regardless of effort, an ecto will never be able to look like a powerfully built meso because the bone structures are different.  Individuals must accept that doing their very best with what they have is all they can do, and furthermore, it is all they are required to do.

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