Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Perfectly-Matched Wife

God couldn't have matched me with anyone more suited for ME.  Since I'm such a , uh, "unique" person (or maybe, difficult, demanding, determined, tunnel-visioned . . .), it took Him 34 years to get it done.

I thank God daily that I was patient.  Speaking of patience, that's not one of my virtues, either, at least not when it comes to the monotonous, daily stuff like traffic, lines, etc.  But with BIG STUFF, I think I've got a pretty good record.  So, I'm a complete failure on the daily side, and a pretty big success on the BIG STUFF side.

I came home from a mission trip with my youth recently and found a jar decorated with pink sitting on my dresser.  I thought Kelley must have put it there accidentally because it sure didn't look like anything I'd want or need.  I checked it out, anyway.  Inside the jar are large popsicle sticks of various colors, each with a "date" written on them.  Not like a calendar date, but a boy/girl date.  One color requires some planning and money.  One color less planning and money, and one color requires little or no planning or money.

I had read several sticks before I thought, "Maybe I'm not supposed to be reading these."  Glad I stopped.  I'm not supposed to know what they are.  They're supposed to be surprises - I just pick one randomly using the color codes based on how much time/money we have to spend.

I only remember one of the dates I read.  It requires planning and money, and fortunately, it's already taken care of for this year - a Clemson away game.  We're going to Boston to see Clemson play Boston College in a few weeks.

I usually work out after work and try to be finished before 6.  I pulled a muscle in my back last week and have had to reduce my workouts this week.  So I finished early a couple days ago and said, "Wow, I don't have anything to do."  The grass was cut.  Clothes were  folded.  Braves didn't come on till 10pm.  I said, "Let's go outside and throw a baseball."  (Kelley doesn't even own a glove.  She's thrown with me MAYBE TWICE in our 5 years of marriage.)  Kelley replied, "No, but that IS one of the things in the date jar!"

No matter what else I find in the date jar, I don't think any of them will make me happier.

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